January 2 – June 14, 2024
ATFC membership not required.
For a one hour lesson a $2.00 court fee and for a one and a half hour class a $3.00 court fee for juniors and young adults will be added to lessons below for non‐premium members.
Non‐members in addition to paying court fees will pay a $5.00 non-member fee for each lesson.
See below for descriptions and fees.
Registration REQUIRED at least 1 week in advance of each class to assure your spot and so we can staff accordingly.
• IMPORTANT: Those that show up without registering one week in advance will only be allowed to stay if there is space in class.
• CANCELLATION POLICY: Please cancel at least 24 hours in advance to allow other players to sign up. Please call the front desk to cancel.
Non-member Call 541-482-4073
Members: Call 541-482-4073 or register online by clicking here
Safe Practices while at ATFC
Bring your own towel if you use one on the tennis court as the towel is service is not available until further notice.
Please remember the following:
- Regularly wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, or use the hand sanitizers located around the club (all have a minimum 60% alcohol).
- Avoid touching your face
- PLEASE: Do not come to the club if there is any question that you are not a 100% well.
- Cough or sneeze into your elbow.
* Appropriate class will be decided by Director of Tennis
3:45 – 4:45pm Monday / Wednesday
Curriculum will vary based on experience and ability. Some players will participate in a variety of skill building activities including basic athletic skills, tennis stroke technique and rally skills all in a fun environment. Some players will learn use of spin, combine shots together with purpose, serve with proper form, approach the net to use volleys and overheads and practice point play and scoring. Rules of play and good sport behaviors are introduced and reinforced
Fee Per day: Members $15, Non-members $20
Plus $2 court fee for all
non-premium members.
Maximum players per class: 24
ATFC 2 *
3:45 – 4:45 pm Tuesday & Thursday
ATFC 2 players learn to rally with improved directions and height control, return serves and spins. Emphasis will be placed on skills and application in live ball (point play) situations. Players will work on stroke development, tactics, and strategy in order to prepare the player for the USTA Level 7 and/or UTR tournaments. Rules of play and good sport behaviors are introduced and reinforced.
Fee Per day: Members $15, Non-members $20
Plus $2 court fee for all
non-premium members.
Maximum players per class: 24
3:45 – 4:45 pm Friday only
Fee Per day: Members $15, Non-members $20
Plus $2 court fee for all
non-premium members.
Maximum players per class: 24
4:45 – 6:15 pm Monday – Friday
You can attend one or both of the SOA classes on Fridays. If you attend both you will be charged separately for each class time you attended.
SOA (Southern Oregon Ascension) is for committed, self-motivated players who are actively competing in Advanced USTA Level 1-6 tournaments and/or UTR
tournaments. High intensity drills will improve match & tournament play strategy, mental skill, footwork, shot selection, fitness and overall competitiveness. Travel as a team to various tournaments is strongly encouraged. Players must be approved by Tennis Director.
Fee Per day: Members $22.5, Non-members $27.5
Plus $2 court fee for all
non-premium members.
Maximum players per class: 24
Private Tennis Lessons
1/2 hour and semi-private $34.00
1 hour $60.00
1 1/2 hour $94.00
Private lessons are available for any age. You can call the front desk to schedule a lesson 541-482-4073.
* Junior memberships are a great way for juniors to enjoy year round practice of what was learned. Junior members pay $2 court fees and receive the member rate on all lessons and clinics. Dues are only $29 a month. (A $25 non refundable join fee applies).